• By: John Escamilla, Esq.
Filing a personal injury claim in Texas shown with stethoscope and gavel

Texas draws workers from across the globe, and the most vulnerable employees are often those who do not speak enough English. Our law firm has extensive experience working in other languages, especially in Spanish. This article goes over some of the language barriers to injury claims in Texas and how to overcome them, including:

  • How to request legal documents in a language you understand.
  • How you are protected under Texas law, including the provision of interpreters.
  • How a personal injury attorney can help ensure the language barrier does not interfere with your claim.

Can I File A Personal Injury Claim In Texas If I Don’t Speak English?

Absolutely, there is no limitation on your right to file a personal injury claim based on your language. Even your citizenship and legal status in Texas are not relevant considerations for your right to claim compensation.

What matters is whether you were hurt in Texas by the wrongful conduct of another person. If you were, whether you are a Spanish speaker or not, you absolutely have a right to make a claim, and we can help.

Can I Request Legal Documents In My Native Language?

To help reduce the impact of the language barrier, you can always request legal documents in your native language. If you are not provided with, for example, Spanish language documents, you can ask for a certified translator, depending on the type of document. Alternatively, you can ask for contemporaneous translations or have somebody sign that they have read the document to you and explained it to you in Spanish.

It is vitally important not to sign any papers that are drafted and presented to you in a language that you cannot understand. That is how rights can be given away. I once had a client who fell from a roof and broke his back. As soon as he got out of the hospital, his employer had him sign a release for $10. He did not know what he was signing. Fortunately, he did not cash the check, and we continued with the case and got him a lot more money.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for employers and companies who cause injury to try to get people to sign documents in languages they do not understand to take advantage of them. Do not let that happen to you.

Are Interpreters Provided During Court Proceedings In Hidalgo County?

Yes, anytime an interpreter is needed in Hidalgo County and most other counties in Texas, the court will make sure that a translator is available. In some other counties, that service will be provided by other parties, but in Hidalgo County, where we do most of our work, it is done by the court.

How Does Texas Law Protect Non English Speakers In Personal Injury Cases?

Texas law is, at least in theory, blind to the language that you speak. You have exactly the same rights as an English speaking worker or person. For example, when it comes to safety training and safety rules, employers are required to give the training and the safety instructions in Spanish if they have even one Spanish speaking worker so that you understand them.

So, in fact, there are actually added protections for Spanish speaking workers. You have a right to get training in Spanish or any other native language so that you understand it. In short, the language barrier is not an impediment to bringing a claim under Texas in any way and can sometimes be part of a successful claim when employers fail to fulfill their obligations.

How Can An Attorney Help Bridge Language Gaps In Legal Proceedings?

At our personal injury law firm, the Escamilla Law Firm, we have bilingual staff who speak Spanish. We have a 24 hour call line that also has Spanish speaking phone operators who can take messages in both English and Spanish. We will also have documents printed in Spanish for our clients.

Having a lawyer and a law firm that understands that English is not your first language and communicates effectively with you in your native language is very important, and it is one of the many advantages of working with the Escamilla Law Firm.

What Steps Do You Take To Ensure That Language Barriers Don’t Interfere With A Personal Injury Claim?

In order to ensure all our clients, including Spanish speaking workers and individuals, we have regular meetings with our clients, including phone conferences in Spanish. We will text you in English and Spanish, and we even have a lot of clients in Mexico or other Central American countries.

Our video calls, in English or Spanish, are designed to keep you informed of your case, wherever you may be in the United States or elsewhere. Our 24 hour a day call line and fully bilingual office ensure constant communication is available as needed whenever you have questions or concerns or just want an update on your case.

Injured at work or by someone’s negligence? We will make sure language is never a barrier to your injury claim.

For more information on How To Handle Language Barriers When Filing A Personal Injury Claim In Texas, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (956) 628-7569 today.

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