Three professionals shaking hands in agreement symbolizing teamwork and unity - Escamilla Law Firm, PLLC
  • By: John Escamilla, Esq.
  • Published: August 20, 2018

Workplace Accident Deaths Leave Families Reeling There is no pain so deep or loss so devastating as the death of a loved one taken before their time. Our attorneys at Escamilla Law Firm, PLLC, understand there is no amount of money that can make up for that loss. We also know how expensive such a loss can be and how bad of a financial tailspin the death of a loved one can cause – especially if they were the primary breadwinner in the family. The loss of an income, on top of the medical expenses, funeral expenses, and lack of help around the house, is a potent cocktail that can end in financial ruin or worse. Fortunately, if their death was caused by the negligence of an employer, contractor, company or supplier, you have a right to have those costs…Read More

Three professionals in a meeting, discussing on a laptop - Escamilla Law Firm, PLLC
  • By: John Escamilla, Esq.
  • Published: June 18, 2018

Courtroom Experience Is At The Heart Of What We Offer After over 20 years of working across the state, the courts of the southern half of Texas feel familiar. Knowing that a family’s livelihood and justice hang in the balance, we walk into these courtrooms full of purpose – because it is our chance to make a difference and right a wrong. When we leave, proud of another victory for justice and for the worker or family we represent, we are also leaving with another experience and another set of tools to use in our ardent defense of the rights of the injured and bereaved. These last three decades have permitted us at the Escamilla Law Firm, PLLC to both improve and expand our work. While at first we worked almost exclusively with the disenfranchised and neglected Spanish-speaking construction workers…Read More

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